Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A Bit of Conversation

     Well, summer is almost here, and my life is officially crazy. I promised myself that when school was over I'd be able to relax and read all day and draw and listen to music and finish my novel and all the things. Ha. Ha ha. I should never believe myself when I say things like that. This week is shaping up to be quite full. Ice cream party, pool party, SAT, a dance recital(I don't dance, but several of my good friends do and I'm going to be supportive and nice and go watch it)... And then next week also has a heap of things. Not to mention next Saturday my family is leaving for a three week road trip. I'm totally excited and totally not ready.

     All that to say, no, I haven't had time to plan a blog post. *cries* I do apologize. However, this is your chance to have a say in what sort of posts I write this summer! :D I'm gonna ask several questions and I'd be very pleased if you'd comment and answer.

     What writing-related posts would you like to see?
     What posts would you like to see related to other things?
     What has been your favorite post so far?

     Ok so enough about my blog. Let's hear about you. What are you most looking forward to this summer?
As I said, we're leaving next Saturday and we're going to a teen writers workshop hosted by the One Year Adventure Novel and I am very pumped.(and unprepared) In July I'll be at a service project daycamp sort of thing for a week.

     A last little thought: Make goals this summer. Don't just flop around. (although relaxing is good) Remember all the things you were yearning to do during the school year and get out there and DO IT. A good idea might be to grab a friend and discuss goals and then poof you will be accountable for each other.


  1. Ooh, questions to answer. *rubs hands*

    "What writing-related posts would you like to see?" Um...one on critiquing would be cool. :3

    "What posts would you like to see related to other things?" Hm. Have you done one on procrastination before? You probably have. Idk.

    "What has been your favorite post so far?" Either Outlining or "I'm Fine".

    "What are you most looking forward to this summer?" THE SUMMER WORKSHOP!!!!

    Great post, as usual. Keep it up. ^_^

    1. Those are good ideas, I'll put them on the list! :)


      Thank you! <3

  2. This is scary, you're starting to sound like me! The three week road trip part sounds cool though. You should swing by Texas. It would be fun XD

    I'd love to hear more about your stories and see more of your artwork :D

  3. XD Oh dear.
    Well fancy that, I think we may just. :P

    :3 I've been meaning to do an art post on of these days...
